Sunday, May 17, 2009

Life is meaningless without...

After the Sunday celebration today, the team went to Lintas for the famous Sang Nyuk Mien or Pork Noodle. I do not know the shop's name but it is a corner shop that is perpetually filled with people. So, yeah, I guess it is famous. I've been there only once many years ago.

It was very noisy there so we seemed to be shouting at each other to talk. I think we were quite loud because I noticed the patrons at the tables nearby glancing our way. Or maybe we were the noisy ones... :P

Anyway, everyone had their fill except for our poorest eater, Nana, who did not finish more than half of her food. Therefore, we admonished her for being wasteful... nag, nag, nag, nag...

We ended up talking about nicknames and therefore, if you hadn't noticed, I use nicknames here.

When Chris ordered a mango pudding, it started a chain reaction among the girls and they too ordered another three puddings.

Then, I noticed the different ways the girls scooped their puddings and I asked Debs how she would eat hers.

This is how Wun2 scooped her pudding:

From top down

This is how Phoebs and Nana scooped theirs:

From one end to the other

This is how both looked like, side-by-side:

Debs said that she would most probably eat like Wun2 while mine would be like Phoebs' and Nana's.

Then I took some random pics of the people:

Nana insisted on turning away from the camera

Terence also turned his face away... too handsome, is it?

Mr Sam Cool terpaksa pose for the camera because of something he had said...

Just before we were about to leave the shop, in his quiet, cool way, Sam proceeded to make the quote of the day to Chris which was announced to all of us:


"Life is meaningless without pork."





And because of that statement, Mr Cool was again forced to pose for another pic to be posted here:

Mr Sam Cool, makanlah all the pork you want... :P

P/S: I had not meant to blog this but because of Mr Sam Cool's 'profound' statement, I just had to, for remembrance's sake. Nah, it's all because of you, Sam... siok?

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