Sunday, November 30, 2014


I had been collecting recyclables for my uncle who used to collect them for recycling centres in exchange for some cash. He would come around in his old faithful van and collects them.

Unfortunately, the last batch was never collected as my uncle fell ill and was in and out of the hospital for quite some time before he breathed his last.

Looking at the pile at home reminded me of him and I knew aunt would be too heart-broken to even want to collect them.

However, she changed her mind and came down town for a short weekend stay with Aunt W. And we went for Sunday breakfast and had a good time.

I know it is a tough time for her now as the pain of losing uncle is just too raw. She seems to have lost her will to live right - falling sick and complaining of pain here and there and not eating right.

After brekky, she thought of all the recyclables at my house and wanted to collect them. So, I made a detour back home to collect them before sending aunt home. There was so much trash that some had to be put at the back seats.

A trunk full of recyclable trash.

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