Monday, September 28, 2009

Moving On

Well, it is time to get moving, study-wise.

After a self-declared one month break of which I'm very grateful for - where I've had all the sleeping-in late, waking up when I wanted to, watching some of my favourite dramas and sitcoms on Astro, reading all the non-academic related books, novels, blogs and news, going for a retreat, Facebooking, Youtubing, pottering about at home, dining out with my family, meeting up with some friends here and there, - I am ready to immerse myself into full study mode.

When I was up to my neck with school work and was drowning in stress, all I had wanted was a change of environment. I'm grateful and happy that finally I've got what I had wished for.

What I didn't expect was the freedom that comes with it. All of a sudden, all the free time that I have seems too daunting. For a moment, I didn't know what to do after the many years of living a very routine life dictated by timetables, classroom management, reports, meetings, extra-classes, co-curricular activities, exam and marking deadlines and a host of student and non-student related stuff.

It all seems so surreal now that I'm out of the system. I was extremely gleeful initially but now I'm a bit directionless and out of focus.

But, yup, once I start clocking into the uni library from 9 to 5 and locking myself in a study cubicle, my life should return to some semblance of normalcy, I guess.

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