Friday, December 04, 2009


So I'm just a very undisciplined, lazy bum. Instead of finishing up the proposal, I went on a day out with Sim; first for Sim's belated birthday lunch at The Hut, Damai, before we took off to the newly opened Suria KK. The parking is free for the first two hours before they start charging at RM1 per hour, I think.

It was a barren mall at the moment; with construction workers still carrying on works and renovation. The over-powering smell of new paint and dust greeted us as we stepped into the mall.

Only a handful of shops were open such as Eu Yan Sang, GNC, Reject Shop, Voir and a boutique or two.

I love this tiny black thing and the masquerade mask in the window at Voir! Suitable for a Christmas party!

The much anticipated Metrojaya is in full-swing operation.

It was good to walk through the department. It brought back so many memories of my student days in KL, when I was so much poorer where I had gone through the sections during sales to hunt for cheap stuff but I found out then that Metrojaya could never ever offer the best price compared to Parkson Grand.

It was, however, good to see some familiar labels such as Somerset Bay, Laura Ashley, Passage, Arthur Yen and Emmanuel.

And on this floor, I saw Strudel which was tucked away in a corner! Tired patrons can grab a quick bite and at the same time enjoy the scenic seaview.

We were there for less than an hour so we went to Wisma Merdeka. The last time I was here was sometime in June. Sim introduced me to the most delectable and scrumptious bite-sized goodness of Takoyaki, a Japanese snack. It was heavenly!!! So much better than the one in Damai.

I also managed to buy some outfits for myself *happy*

Before we left, I went and bought myself two sets of Takoyaki. I just could not get the taste out of my mind. They are just too delicious!


My very valid concern now is that I'm afraid I'd get this sudden uncontrollable urge for Takoyaki and may drive down to KK just to satisfy my cravings!

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